Get an instant quote for a User Experience audit of your site

Make your users happy, maximise conversion, boost credibility, and stay relevant!


Elearning website

Why consider a UX audit?

There are many reasons a website can face issues. That could be a legacy code base, a tricky-to-use content management system (CMS), or a lack of a user-centred process.

Benefits of a UX audit:

  • Happy users. When a website is easy to use and navigate, it’s a win-win for both you and your visitors. A UX audit can help pinpoint areas where a website might be falling short, ensuring a smoother experience for everyone.
  • Maximise conversions. Whatever the key objectives are for your organisation, whether that’s gathering leads or just trying to get your message across, a UX audit can help fine-tune your site for maximum impact. By optimising the user journey, you’ll see more visitors turning into happy users.
  • Boost credibility. A website is typically the first point of contact and interaction for prospective users/members. A well-considered user experience is not only impressive to visitors but also builds trust and credibility for the wider organisation.
  • Staying relevant. The digital landscape is always evolving, and what worked yesterday might not cut it tomorrow. UX audits help organisations stay ahead of the curve, ensuring your website remains fresh, relevant, and competitive in today’s world.

This is an expert UX audit done by a real person, not an automated tool!

What does my User Experience audit include?

The audit covers scores on the following metrics:

  1. 30-minute consultation: Discussion with your team to outline desired outcomes and identify known issues or pain points.
  2. Top-level website audit/accessibility check: Review of key pages (e.g., home, blog, case studies, contact, CTAs) with attention to content labelling, information architecture, UI and accessibility issues.
  3. Desktop and mobile review: Evaluation of the website experience on both desktop computers and mobile devices.
  4. Digital landscape exploration: Review of social media accounts associated with the website.
  5. Prototype design: Up to 5 screen designs (desktop/mobile or a combination), this can be focused around a particular funnel that has been identified in the audit.
  6. 90-minute client presentation: Presentation of findings and recommendations.

Optional metrics that we also cover:

  1. Detailed Google Analytics (GA) and Google Search Console (GSC) audit (optional): Analysis of essential metrics within GA and GSC.
  2. Hotjar analysis (optional): Exploration of clicks, scrolls, and heatmaps on designated pages.
  3. Hotjar feedback sessions (optional): Up to 3 recorded feedback sessions based on Hotjar analysis.

Get a quote for a UX audit

How does the UX audit work?

You supply information
Just fill in the form to request your UX audit. We’ll ask you a few short questions about your business and take the essential details (like your URL and contact details!)
We do the analysis
We look for usability issues and areas where you could improve. We’ll assess how well your site follows best practices and the core ideas behind good user interface design, giving you clear steps to take to improve.
Short, simple process
Unlike traditional usability testing, which needs careful planning and can take weeks, UX audits can be done much more quickly. We can usually complete them within 5-10 working days, depending on the level of detail you need.

BrightMinded have been excellent to work with. From initial content and audience workshops to virtual training on the final site, they have offered comprehensive, adaptable support and work at an incredibly high standard.

Liz Robertson Centenary Programme and Partnerships Officer, Imperial War Museums

Elearning Site UX Audit

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