
Thoughts, insights all hot off the virtual press.

News | 13 October 2021

Quarterly update – October 2021

We’re back with an update to give you an idea of what summer had in store for us! With COVID-19 restrictions easing, we’ve been enjoying a slightly more normal life, and hope you have been too!
Some members of the team cycling along Kingsway in Brighton
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Blog | 15 September 2021

WooCommerce vs Magento: which platform is best for your e-commerce store?

The success of your online store depends on the technology behind it. We compare WooCommerce and Magento.
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Blog | 25 August 2021

What impact does technology have on the extended marketing mix?

What are the 7 P’s of marketing and what effect does technology have on them?
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News | 18 August 2021

BrightMinded receives new reviews on Clutch

A huge pat on the back for us from some of our wonderful clients… Well done team!
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Blog | 04 August 2021

Digitalisation and the student experience during COVID-19

After over a year of remote learning due to COVID-19 , let’s see what Emily, our Marketing intern, has to say on the matter…
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Blog | 23 July 2021

WooCommerce vs Shopify: which is the best e-commerce platform?

If you sell online, your website needs an e-commerce platform you can depend upon, customise, and extend. But which is better: WooCommerce or Shopify?
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News | 30 June 2021

Quarterly update – a splash of colour for the office

We’re back with another update! This time we’re coming at you with a half-year update to give you an idea of what the first six months of 2021 has had in store for us.
Newly decorated office with sofa area and tv
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News | 20 May 2021

Integration of BBC Shakespeare Archive for ERA

We are proud to have worked with our client Educational Recording Agency (ERA) on their new partnership with the BBC, providing access to their Shakespeare Archive.
Old book open on first page of Romeo and Juliet
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Blog | 12 May 2021

How to create a successful membership website

Here are the top things to think about if you’re looking to deepen visitor engagement through a membership website.
Blackboard sign saying 'Welcome, please come in'
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Blog | 14 April 2021

How to build elearning websites that succeed

Creating an elearning website lets your business tap into an online learning market that has hit the stratosphere.
Transparent skull model
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Blog | 31 March 2021

How to prepare for Google’s Core Web Vitals update

What are Google’s Core Web Vitals, what’s changing, and how can you make sure your website is ready?
Google Core Wev Vitals article image
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Blog | 30 March 2021

Can you help our image selection algorithm to get better?

We’re building a very cool tool that recommends images for a piece of text. Can you spare 5 mins to help with our experiment?
Striking image of a glass with blue liquid on a red background
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