
Thoughts, insights all hot off the virtual press.

Blog | 20 May 2020

Artificial Intelligence (AI) vs WordPress plugins

Me: “Alexa, does my SME need to use AI business solutions?” Alexa: “Yes! Your SME needs AI now!”
Meme about WordPress vs AI
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News | 01 May 2020

Lockdown entertainment

Times are strange. We’re all at home, we can’t leave for more than one hour at a time, and shops and cafes are closed. For a lot of us, that means we have much more time to kill within our own homes than we ever have before. Here at BrightMinded, we have certainly been feeling this, so we decided to share what we’ve been doing to keep ourselves occupied to inspire some of you, and help give an insight into who we are as a team! Hopefully there’s something for you to enjoy here, too.
Kaia's custard tart
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Blog | 24 April 2020

Elearning software and platforms as the new reality

The COVID-19 pandemic has created new models for organisations offering training and learning.
E-learning and online training image
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Presentation | 15 April 2020

Making a multiplayer web game with Socket IO

Before the lockdown, David presented to the team how he has used WebSockets for his multiplayer web game. Find out how.
Screen showing multiplayer game
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Blog | 26 February 2020

Issues to consider when localising software

Have you ever landed on a website where the target audience isn’t people from your country or culture? And how long did it take you to realise this? In all likelihood, you will probably have noticed it almost instantaneously because each region has its own ways of doing things.
An example of concatenation
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Presentation | 12 February 2020

The near-duplicates problem and novelty detection by fruit flies

Learn from a fruit fly how to spot near-duplicates in your database. Our CTO, Cristiano, explains how. If you are interested, have a look at the original fly Bloom filter paper by Dasgupta, Sheehan, Stevens and Navlakha.
Bar plot with errors on Bloom filters, LSBF and fly Bloom filters
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Blog | 15 January 2020

Our awesome clients: Rickshaw Travel

From bite-sized trips to full itineraries of excursions, transport, and accommodation, Rickshaw Travel is ready to make your travel dreams reality.
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Blog | 18 December 2019

Existential risks – part 2

So far, advances in technology have been largely positive and improved human life in countless ways. Will future innovations continue to be positive or are there reasons to believe they could be catastrophic? In this final part we will look at Nick Bostrom’s view on Artificial Intelligence in some more detail.
Images of robots in female form
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Blog | 11 December 2019

Existential risks

So far, advances in technology have been largely positive and improved human life in countless ways. Will future innovations continue to be positive or are there reasons to believe they could be catastrophic? In this two-part series we will look at some of the work of philosopher Nick Bostrom and examine risks which could threaten humanity’s very existence.
Niklas Bostrom at University of Oxford
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Presentation | 27 November 2019

An intro to TypeScript

Watch our own David Y introduce the team to TypeScript, an open source programming language maintained by Microsoft that is a typed superset of JavaScript and compiles to plain JavaScript.
TypeScript logo
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Presentation | 20 November 2019

An introduction to Netlify

Watch Bradley give the team an introduction to Netlify, Netlify CMS, and 11ty, some new web technologies that are gaining in popularity.
Image of Paige Taylor Photography website
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Blog | 13 November 2019

Our awesome clients: Here

Here is a not-for-profit social enterprise that creates and delivers healthcare solutions in partnership with third sector organisations and the NHS, both on a local and national scale. They believe it’s vital to effect change in the healthcare industry in order to get it right first time for people and therefore maximise efficiency and resource in our healthcare economy. These great values that they put into practice so effectively is what makes Here one of our awesome clients.
Here logo
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